
Split an image

Save tiles to the same directory as the image using the original filename as a prefix:

     >>> import image_slicer
     >>> image_slicer.slice('cake.jpg', 4)
     (<Tile #1 - cake_01_01.png>, <Tile #2 - cake_01_02.png>, <Tile #3 - cake_02_01.png>, <Tile #4 - cake_02_02.png>)

Control tile saving

Need more control over saving? Pass save=False and then use save_tiles():

>>> import image_slicer
>>> tiles = image_slicer.slice('cake.jpg', 4, save=False)
>>> image_slicer.save_tiles(tiles, directory='~/cake_slices',\
                            prefix='slice', format='jpg')
(<Tile #1 - slice_01_01.jpg>, <Tile #2 - slice_01_02.jpg>, <Tile #3 - slice_02_01.jpg>, <Tile #4 - slice_02_02.jpg>)

Processing tile images

You can perform further processing of the images in between calling slice() and py:func:~image_slicer.main.save_tiles. The PIL Image object can be accessed with Tile.image. Let’s overlay the tile number on each tile:

import image_slicer
from PIL import ImageDraw, ImageFont

tiles = image_slicer.slice('cake.jpg', 4, save=False)

for tile in tiles:
    overlay = ImageDraw.Draw(tile.image)
    overlay.text((5, 5), str(tile.number), (255, 255, 255),


Keep it in memory

If the tile image files are not the final product and performance is a concern, consider using BytesIO to create file-like objects instead of saving each of the files to disk. Let’s use the zipfile module to create a zip archive, 'tiles.zip':

Example courtesy of `slice-image.net`_

import io
import zipfile

import image_slicer

tiles = image_slicer.slice('cake.jpg', 4, save=False)

with zipfile.ZipFile('tiles.zip', 'w') as zip:
    for tile in tiles:
        with io.BytesIO() as data: